Monday, September 30, 2019

A practical criticism of Chapter 20 of Captain Corelli’s Mandolin

Louis de berniires wrote this chapter in the third person narrative, nonetheless, the narrator does not indicate to us who this ‘wild man of the ice' actually is. We assume that he indeed does know who this man is. The opening of the chapter is quite an idyllic picture created by Pelagia with her mention of seeing, ‘Her first butterfly of the year,' which gives the reader a sense of bliss as well as Pelagia. However, this idyllic picture is shattered in the second chapter as she saw, ‘There was a stranger seated at the kitchen table,' she described the man as, ‘A most horrible and wild stranger who looked worse than the brigands of childhood tales. ‘ This particular sentence indicates to the reader a sense of foreboding. Although, we later find out that this man is Mandras, now neither Pelagia nor we have any idea. This then proves a scenario than many people dread and some can even relate to, coming home and finding a strange in your home. This is a nightmare situation, and although we do not have a detailed description of Pelagia's feelings, the reader would have a good idea of how she felt at that moment. In a way, this is clever by de berniires as he is leaving the reader to become Pelagia and feel the feelings she is feeling. Although, this is only one interpretation of this section, it does seem like an intention of de berniires as he does not go into a lot of detail about Pelagia's feelings now, but in other parts of the book, he does. Following this, de berniires shows us the state that Mandras is in, he uses a lot of very descriptive and quite gruesome images created of Mandras', ‘Suppurating wounds,' and the, ‘reek of rotting flesh. ‘ These images help to create an image of how Mandras may have appeared to Pelagia and do help to prove the fact of why he is unrecognisable to Pelagia. De Berniires has given us a lot of information about Mandras at this point and Pelagia sees very uneasy and she can only say that her, ‘Father's out,' which indicates her level of diffidence. We can also see form Mandras' speech that because of his physical pain he is projecting a sense of mental instability. This could be evident from his short sentences and his bad language. He comes a point of almost breaking down where he is accusing his perpetrators as, ‘Bastards, Bastards,' but Pelagia, although appalled, seems to try and be sensible and not try anything untoward, by just asking him to leave, in not so many words. From this Mandras begins to talk very quickly and he seems very uncomfortable until finally he asks Pelagia to look at his hands. He then, ‘Held them up to her, palm outwards in the gesture that would normally be an insult,' which showed Pelagia the extent of the injuries he had been subject to, which may have made her feel sorry for him. On the other hand, it may just have made her feel unwell. After this, Mandras again begins with his quick-paced narrative. He begins by talking about the way, ‘The ice screams. It shrieks. ‘ This could be a failure of communication of the part of Mandras and an idea of his mind playing tricks on him. This would highlight what the war had done to Mandras, and shows us the situation he was in. It also specifies the kind of physical torture he must have endured. There is also a point that he may have been subject to extremely cold weather and may have lost his fingers to frostbite. This would explain this section of the chapter quite clearly. The sentences are very abrupt and every sentence is almost self-contained. Due to the fact that the sentences are short and sharp and as the sentences are disjointed we can clearly see the madness of Mandras. Following this section, we can see that Pelagia is beginning to get desperate, this desperation if evident in the tone of voice she uses. She wants him to leave and pleads with him. This may or may not be an indication of sorrow and tearfulness. However, when she pleads for him to leave, it does seem to provoke a reaction in Mandras. This reaction is the first response that she has received from him, this could prove to Pelagia that maybe he is not a, ‘Wild man,' and that he is probably a man. On the other hand, Pelagia still has no idea who he is and why he is here in her kitchen. As a result, the narrator then has decided upon the introduction of Psipsina. This is very important and is probably the turning point of the chapter. There is a sudden change in atmosphere and this is an indication of reality being restored. This is introduced by firstly, the realisation that, ‘At least Psipsina remembers me. ‘ This is a very revealing sentence as it brings Pelagia's thought to a different place. It makes her wonder who this man actually is. Pelagia knows how, ‘Psipsina was afraid of strangers,' and this begged the question form her about, ‘how did this ghastly ruin know her name? ‘ Although these questions seem inconsiderate, she suddenly had a thought of maybe this was her beloved Mandras. This may have seemed like a very good guess, but it also may have been something she was always thinking in the back of her mind. Although she kept calling him, ‘ghastly,' and, ‘wild,' she may have been only saying these things to try and block out the truth. This could be described as a manipulation of her mind and could be a disguise for her anger towards Mandras. This anger would be because Mandras went and got badly injured, which is an idea that some people adopt as it could be a reckless thing for them to do. In this case is it could also be that Pelagia was calling him so many different things to block out any possibility of it being Mandras. When Mandras realises that Pelagia has recognised her, he describes how he has, ‘got lice,' and how he, ‘Shat himself when a bomb fell,' which specifies how maybe all he wants is to be with her, but he does not want to subject her to all the troubles he has been victim to. This provides an answer as to why he did not to tell her who he was straight away. Subsequent to finding out about Mandras, Pelagia then begins questioning him about why, ‘You never wrote to me,' which is an accusation that Mandras can only answer truthfully by telling Pelagia that he, ‘Can't write. ‘ This is a new idea introduced by de berniires and does make Pelagia think of why he had not tried other things like, ‘couldn't someone else have written for you? ‘ We now see an element of Pelagia as a young immature girl and Mandras as a mature person. Where before Pelagia had realised it was Mandras, these roles were reversed. The maturity of Mandras could be associated with the things he has faced in war, and now that he is able to talk, he beings to apologise and explain. Mandras is further depicted by the narrator as, ‘An infinity of fatigue,' which is connected with his eyes, but could well be a generalisation for his whole body at this moment. We see his frailty being embellished as, ‘He tried to steady his cup to drink, failed, and put it down on the table. ‘ This reminds us simply that he is severely injured even though he is know talking instead of the painful silence and very disjointed sentences spoken earlier in the chapter. Furthermore, this provokes Pelagia to ask about the letters she had sent to him. Mandras, ‘Fumbled inside his clothing and drew out a huge and bedraggled packet bound together with tripwire. ‘ It showed to Pelagia that he had indeed received the letters, but he then stated that he, ‘Couldn't read them,' which would have made Mandras seem very inferior, but he now seems more powerful and this illiteracy does not seem to dumb him down that much. However, Pelagia then tries to take control by not reading the letters to Mandras when he asked her to, ‘Even if it's too late. This creates a sense of longing and makes us have pity toward him, but rather than Pelagia pitying him, she takes control by saying that she will read them, ‘Later. ‘ This is ironic as later Mandras forces her to read them to him, which gives he may think gives him back his control. However, the fact that Pelagia can read and he cannot still gives her the power over him. After all th is has gone on Mandras simply fondles Psipsina and thinks that, ‘Only the animals know me. ‘ Yet, it seems that Pelagia does know take pity of him as she sits with him and comforts him at the end of the chapter. The way Mandras, ‘Buried his face in his hands and began to rock like an injured child,' does point to a very scared and lonely position. People who want to shut themselves out form the world and live in a world of their own adopt this position. Therefore, Pelagia notices this and tries to comfort him, and maybe succeeds in letting Mandras know that she will be there for him. This would have made him feel that he is not alone and even though he is physically repulsive, Pelagia is more interested in his feelings more.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

New Zealand’s Largest Ethical Dilemma Essay

Too much fun and not little liability is the focus of the dilemma. New Zealand is the place where forty percent of the tourist go and participate some one of the most courageous and dangerous adventures that exist. Although danger come with everyday activities and the day to day life, such as driving in bad condition; that is considered to taken our lives into our own hands. When a person travels to an adventure park, and making the decision to make a 134 meter leap off of a bridge, or take a ride in a hot air balloon, maybe a little sky diving, they are assuming that the operators are operating in compliance with all codes, regulations, manual guidelines, and maybe a little common sense and less greed. You won’t get that with this New Zealand Adventure company whose business has caused the death of fifty individuals in the last eight years as a result of gross negligence. For example, after supervisor has a debate with the owner regarding the weather conditions and the dangers that he fears should the scheduled hot air balloon ride take off holding eleven passengers including the pilot, the owner refuses to stay the scheduled flight and forces the pilot to take off. Part of the reasoning is the thousand’s of dollars that would be loss should the ride not take place. After departing the ground in bad weather, the balloon was thrown into a power line and killed everyone. Another example is the place that had crashed killing all passengers of which the crash was inevitable considering the owner failed to keep in compliance with the flight manual, maintenance, and regulations. The saddening part is that there are several adventurist companies’ out there that should not be in operation. Yet no matter what the accident it, what injuries sustained including death, the cause of the accident, etc, according to the New Zealand’s â€Å"No Fault Accident Liability System†, no company is to be held or found liability for there actions. In lieu of the  companies being held liability and accountable for their negligence the New Zealand’s justice systems believes that they have equaled it out by creating the accidental compensation law. This law states that no where or how the accident occurred, or what the injuries are and medical attention required that the victim shall receive full medical treatment at no costs. But that’s it because the law states â€Å"cannot sue for negligence or wrongful death†. There is a serious dilemma here, and that it that the death toll will continue to rise as a result of gross negligence as long the companies are not held accountable for there stupidity.  The long time fight for a possible solution and the only solution to bring the focus of these negligent companies to the safety and welfare of their customers is to â€Å"overhaul the legal system to count for accountability† and impose sanctions, negligence charges, and hold them to their liability to protect and honor the safety of the customers they serve. Or take the position that after no many reports of negligence that the government regulations state that the business be immediately shut down, sanctions and fine payable to the medical fund to cover the expenses as a result of negligence and that the owner and operator be prohibited from owning, having an interest, or operating in entities that involve high risk adventures. Reference Adrenaline Nation: New Zealand’s Adventure Tourism. Retrieved from Adventure

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Marketing Management Course Project wk6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Marketing Management Course Project wk6 - Essay Example e stages including the introductory phase where the users or the audience is unaware of the existence of the product and its category (McMillan, 2013). The audience buys mainly for experimentation purposes only and competition is high. The growth stages witness customers increase in numbers and appearance of segments. Maturity takes place, the segment becomes distinct and the loyalty of the customer is established. Understanding the audience (customers) location, their types, and their needs and distinctive uniqueness will accomplish marketing. Achieving substantial marketing, then the size and the structure of the audience, associated trends, needs, and characteristics of the target audience is vital (Haydu & Hodges, 2008). The association between your firm’s value suggestion and the target audience can be complex for communal enterprises because of the range of exterior stakeholders concerned who usually determine the progress and the success of the firms. The marketing strategy defines how to communicate with the customers and available plans to propel the value proposition to the target audience. This considers the brand identification, the position of the firm in the market, and the available channels to the market (Haydu & Hodges, 2008). The foundational features and remuneration of value proposition forms the basis of the product distinctiveness. Value proposition entails efficiency, leadership, and innovation and audience intimacy. The marketing plan ought to identify necessary realistic actions and methods to achieve the marketing strategy. Marketing objectives targets creation of new customers and or recipients from the target audience while maintaining the earlier customers in order to improve the delivery of the products (Mudambi, 2002) and improve on sales. To improve on the customers’ base, achieve the objectives and increase sales, then enhancing the tools of pricing, placing, and promotion in the firm and the market will be paramount.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Murrah case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Murrah case study - Essay Example This system includes training, planning and coordination efforts among the community members. Because the trainings and meetings are regular, which is on a monthly basis and the informal consultations are done on a more frequent basis, the local members have gained the preparedness through the good flow of communication. The city of Oklahoma has ensured preparedness by developing an all-hazards response capability, which is aimed to train, plan and coordinate efforts in any disaster that will come to the city. By first being prepared, the people concerned would have known what to do when a thing happens. The preparedness of the city includes engaging all the concerned parties at the planning phase. Because the people who are concerned are involved in developing ideas, then coordinating them to others who play a role in the system, the concerned parties have a feel of how the flow of communication will be even when during the incident. These people include firefighters, police officers, public health officers, urban search and rescue teams, engineers, public work officials, military personnel and hospital and other medical care providers. These people also have developed strong working relationships with people of the local media who helped communicate the information to the public. The ‘drafting and competing of local and state disaster response plans’ are part of the preparation. The integration of these plans through communication has proven vital when the real disaster has occurred. The strong working relationship proves to be a vital element in the communication flow of the system during the incident. Because people have developed a strong relationship during the preparations for disasters, the flow of communication was easier and smoother, which lead to the success in the interoperability in the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Development Delay Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Development Delay - Essay Example The following sections of the current paper detail the characteristics of the child, his developmental delay, and some possible interventions that may be taken to help alleviate or totally resolve the problem. I. Description of the Child and the Disability The boy who is four years of age, internationally adopted from China at three months of age, demonstrates an obvious speech disorder and expressive language delay noted at 8 and 20 months of age, respectively. Based on his records, his mother conceived him at age 30, and was not hospitalized or medicated during pregnancy. Therefore, factors such as gender, heredity, and environment (Norbury & Tomblin, 2008) may be considered as the roots of the problem. The surrogate mother of the child, who has taken care of the boy since birth, serves as the main source of information and child support. The mother is a housewife who never goes out except to do some grocery or pay bills. Although the surrogate father willingly provides support to his wife, he is the only one working for the family, is usually out, and comes home at night after office hours. Therefore, aside from the mother, the child has no one to interact with at home. Nevertheless, he is very fond of the television, and replies to people when expected. Faced with a stranger or visitor, the child behaves normally. He interacts and replies with people of all ages, although like most kids, he interacts better with other children. Whenever a visitor comes in, the boy resumes his activity, and responds to the visitor whenever asked. However, he has a very notable speech defect. He does not demonstrate other symptoms of delay except for his speech. When asked what his name is, he responds correctly, but shows inability for proper pronunciation and overall speech. In particular, he has difficulty producing the /s/ in his name and sometimes pronounces /t/ instead or deletes it in other instances. Likewise, he tends to substitute the sound of /k/ to /ch/ and so on. When at play with other kids, the boy does not talk much, but moves and does things according to expectations. At home, when asked to do a chore, he is able to obey instructions such as turning on/off the TV, looking for his toy, arranging his toys in the bin, drinking water on his own, and wearing his slippers. However, he has to be fed when eating, or else he will not be able to finish his food. His motor skills are all right. He can dance, move, go up the stairs, run, use the swing, slide, and play in the sand. However, when asked to draw or hold a pencil, he writes with palmar-supinate grasp. When asked to report what he has done, he struggles with pronunciation of words, and often times cannot be understood. Nevertheless, he tries to express himself but is a little shy with strangers. Moreover, he misses to name things at times, and points at them instead. His sentences are wrongly constructed, and even though taught the proper way, repeatedly makes wrong word order, which res ults in being misunderstood especially by visitors and playmates. II. Support and Resources Needed The situation of the boy calls for the services of a speech therapist. Immediate assistance may be necessary to correct the problem. Likewise, relearning of sounds and acquisition may also help to alleviate problems with

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Beowulf from the perspective of Grendel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Beowulf from the perspective of Grendel - Essay Example In fact, a typical feature of anglo-Saxon mythology is that it has either positive of negative attitude to its protagonist. It means that protagonist can be either ideal or far from ideal. I will suggest making Grendel a modern hero with both positive and negative sides of his character. It must be noted that in the original story of Beowulf his character is far from ideal. For example, there are frequent cases when Grendel fails to express moral power to accept reality as it is. Failure to do that leads Grendel to attack God for being so cruel with him: â€Å"Grendels attack with terror of blades† (Greenfield). The accusation like this is primarily reasoned by the fact that Grendel is a monster with a big brain and big heart. He wants love, but is fully confident of the fact that he will be alone for the rest of his life simply because it is God who decided to make him look like a monster. The negative attitude to God finally motivates Grendel’s turning to evil. I think this craving is natural for a creature who is deprived of love. Still, there is no way to deny that Grendel continues to love God. The only problem about Grendel is that he continues to crave for evil due to his moral instability and lack of inner power. I made this little psychological retrospect with one single objective – to show reader a real Grendel and to give Beofulf a modernist perspective. Grendel’s pshychological stance can be best perceived with the help of Aristotle’s teaching which taught a person that human psychological downfall is rooted in moral flaws located inside an individual. Grendel’s problem can be explained with the help of Aristotelian framework. According to Aristotelian framework, there is no way for a person to be perfect. However, ancient Anglo-Saxon people had different attitude towards reality. They are either idealized the main protagonist or presented him like an even being. There was now something in the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

A Strategic Marketing Assignment on Etisalat Essay

A Strategic Marketing Assignment on Etisalat - Essay Example The telecom industry of the Middle Eastern countries has seen a continuous growth. A forecast by Informa Telecoms and Media shows that the year 2009 will continue to see a constant growth, with almost 28.68 million net inclusions into the mobile market this year. The market is very wide and has as many as almost 250 million mobile subscribers and is expected to reach as high as 250.79 million by the end of 2009 . Company Information:The Company:Etisalat is one of the oldest telecom providers in UAE. It is headed by Mohammad Al Qamzi, the CEO. The company was incorporated in 1976 and has become a part of the Financial Times Top 500 Corporation. In terms of the capitalization and revenues, this company stands on the 6th position in the Middle East. This is the only other largest contributor other than the oil sector, in the development programs of the UAE federal Government. It has also been awarded for being a socially responsible corporation. Etisalat has also been honored for the na tionalization programme . Etisalat offers a number of different products and services. They have a wide variety of products in their portfolio, which totals to almost a hundred and fifty. These include items like the fixed lines, mobiles, and value added services for businesses and consumers. This does not include the additional products and services that are provided by the company to people with special needs . Etisalat’s main region of functioning is in UAE and Iran.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Boeing Porter's Five Forces Industry analysis Assignment

Boeing Porter's Five Forces Industry analysis - Assignment Example This is mainly because they are highly entrenched in their airport hubs, making it difficult for new companies to find space in these air ports (Clougherty and Zhang, 2008). Furthermore, smaller airports do not have enough passing traffic that can make these new airlines companies to post some profits. High fuel prices are one of the most dominant barriers for new airline companies (Mouawad, 4). This is because it accounts for approximately 50% of the costs that these airline companies are able to incur (Peoples, 2012). The high number of mergers is also another reason that prevents new companies from entering the market. These companies manage to control a large segment of the market, making it hard for new entities to penetrate. Companies such as Hawaiian airlines, Allegiant Air, and Spirit Airlines managed to survive this competition by creating their own niche market, hence avoiding direct competition with these major airlines (Fojt, 2006). There is also a high level of research and development budget that is required for new entrants into this market. It is virtually impossible to compete in this industry, when the new company does not have information about its competitors, target market, etc (Williams, 2002). Acquiring this type of information requires a great deal of research, which is very expensive. Furthermore, the airline industry has loyal customers, who will only take the national carrier. Based on these facts, threats of new entrants to Boeing are low. The intensity of competition facing Boeing is very high. This is because the industry comprises of large airline companies offering the same services. The airline industry does not have any market leader, and their strategies are not different (Fojt, 2006). This is the reason why most airline companies are forming mergers for purposes of competing efficiently with their competitors (Grundy, 2012).

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Public Art Essay Example for Free

Public Art Essay The core exhibition will be based on the work of two chosen photographers due to the inability to investigate a larger number , this is because they are too many and wide spread that an attempt to look at all of them would be almost impossible , costly and time consuming. The programme will show the various works done by the photographer including digital arts, video installations all put together to give an in depth study of the history and success of the photographers The aim of the project is to explore the potential of new media, on-line technology, virtual reality/ interactive projects to provide new means of investigations on the same. To appreciate the works of the two photographers we will compare and contrast the much that they have brought to the field, what they still have to bring and the influence and education they have had on different individuals and areas of interaction. The two photographers to be investigated are Patrick Renschen and Russ Rosener. The work of Renschen is most inspirational and does not only touch on the basic art but has an in-depth meaning which one needs to be keen enough to grasp the whole idea behind the same and also be able to appreciate that such work could be so educative. The work of this particular photographer was one of a kind since it didn’t involve a norm or a routine which would be followed day in day out rather he tried to make it very exciting by carrying out researches on how to improve it and make it more satisfying to both him and his assistants. His aim was as well very clear in that he wanted not just to be the best but the only one in the field of engagement who could be counted on and relied on. He also ensured connecting them up electronically in all the archives, also documenting and publishing the work which is now held in regional, national and international museum collections and university centers, and to ensure wide accessibility to international and domestic audiences. The photographer had an exhibition that had all the history and development of the installation, and the critical legacy left in terms of the influence on contemporary sculpture, environmental art, and architecture to name but a few. He had presentations of all the original photographs, drawings, sketches, correspondence, and even written descriptions of every detail that he undertook, it also had all the interpretations by curators and art critics such John Elderfield and Fred Brookes. The photographer also was keen to display new commissioned documentation by leading artists/photographers. He traced the evolution using interactive digital projects he also used digital animation and 3D articulation of the key design and sculptural elements just to ensure perfection and accuracy was maintained throughout the whole exercise. The photographer also employed lots of subordinate staff to help in the completion of his work. A commission for a photographer/artist to generate new visual images for the exhibition based on the environmental and architectural aspects alongside a detailed study of the same, and the art works locations associated with him. Possible portraiture commission, to photograph people associated with the photographer this was for the record and for future references and evidence of their participation and also a way of making them feel appreciated. He worked hard to ensure that he was always on site despite his tight schedule but since at times he was faced with some unavoidable circumstances, he was not left out in having planned in advance for such emergencies, in his absence work went on just as usual since there was a commission of artists and photographers to produce a new body of work based on the idea that his absence was a test on their accountability and reliability. The photographer would even incorporate fresh blood and brain from schools and colleges by involving students to participate in the same using existing archives and sketches. Production of a set of 3D architectural models, drawings and projections documenting the findings and proposing hypothetical outcome. The photographer had interactive architectural and digital arts research and their restoration project possibly organized to collaborate well with the agenda in question. This brought together many architects artists and IT engineers to construct an interactive virtual representation , tracing its iconography and evolution from conception through the various stages of the construction and design. The photographer used on line chat room and interactive website/3D virtual, allowing scholars, artists and researchers from different countries to contribute their views and suggestions as he believed in being dynamic. He believed in the use of new technology to visualize and construct alternative on line solutions to problems encountered in his work. Unlike Patrick Renschen, Russ Rosener, another world renowned photographer had a whole different approach to the same photography both as a career and as an interactive kind of work. He is so different from other photographers in that he has not specialized in only one area of photography and he has a diverse range of areas where he features. He covers a wide range of activities which he says gives him better exposure and satisfaction as there is no word as boredom which many photographers tend to suffer from. He has much of his corporate work covering international assignments and duties such as annual reports, portraiture, advertising and social responsibility programmes. Whether he is all alone or leading a group of individuals he can be relied on by a company that minds the global competitiveness in the field for his experience and enthusiastic nature, he is also very flexible and his approach to his job is not static rather depends on the situation and content. He is able to ensure that his clients can rely on him to be able to deliver high quality material and best results which is easy for anyone to access and even use across print, present and web based media they are also able to represent their company to a very high professional standard due to the high competition facing them thus requiring one to have a competitive advantage over the others. (Rosenblum, Naomi) As a photographer he is able to maintain both quality and confidentiality in his work and in this very dynamic sector thus ensuring client loyalty and repeat buying by same customers instead of finding new people altogether which is a costly and hard situation to gain. Being involved in social responsibility has only brought more demand to this photographer especially lately when most companies have embraced social responsibility as a requirement for the success and continuity of the companies; this is because they need credible pictures for the accurate representation of challenges and achievements associated with the whole project. The photographer says that his is not acquired kind of skill rather it is a born kind of art and assures anyone that for the best results and sure win he is the answer. He does most of his work as it presents itself to him and he does not have to go out there trying to be original by conducting research and even reading more and he has still managed to be a world well renowned photographer who can be counted among famous photographers. This could be due to the fact that he is so original and very clear compared to other photographers and he has maintained this all along without foregoing the quality for quantity when the work is too much, he is a slow but sure themed person who believes in quality and creating of trust in all his clients. The two photographers are quite controversial in that one is very resourceful and researchful while the other just sits and handles a situation as it presents itself to him and depending on what the clients wants as final results. All the same they don’t lack some similarities in that they are both result oriented and care about the quality of results that they deliver to their customers and fans as this is very important if they are to continue in business without losing it to competitors. The photographers have proved to be very reliable and for that they have gotten a lot of attention from both domestic and international markets and companies. Though the work of photography presents itself as full of fun and excitement all the time the two have cordially agreed that it also has its weak areas and also has a percent of boredom though they try as much as possible to keep on the fire and make the work the best they can. Generally photography can be seen as a very demanding area of undertaking due to its dynamic nature which makes it very unpredictable especially with the improvement in technology which happens almost on a daily basis and which they have to keep track of lest they become outdated and overcome by events. It is very important in the modern day and age and is require by every company and individual for the smooth running of the day to day activities. This area of photography is particularly very exciting and interesting since it involves mostly outdoor activities which is a good idea for lovers of site seeing and appreciating nature and what it has to offer. Where it takes place indoors its all the same quite interesting since its all flashy and all smiles especially for celebrities, fashion and models as one sees newest designs and shapes of different attires and poses for use elsewhere. This is especially so interesting to me since I love reading fashion magazines which contain a lot of photographers work and I get to appreciate every bit of it. In addition we should not forget the fact that the photographers have brought a lot of harmony to many different communities of the world at large through the theme contained in their works of art and for that we should not fail to appreciate their work even more. The photographer like any other person needs encouragement and the feeling of actualization and this is only possible if lots of his work is bought at a high rate and he gets more calls for the same.(Rosenblum, Naomi) The photographers have tried to a very large extent to encourage artistic growth and photography development to ensure that its not only them who stand to benefit but that generations to come will also appreciate and adopt what these great men and women of our land will have done and left behind for all to see. Many of these artists and photographers in particular have already started colleges and learning institutions where they are passing on the knowledge to other interested parties for the continuity, growth and development of this most dynamic field of photography. Photography has really gone to a whole new level altogether this due to the competition that the photographers are giving each other and no one wants to be ruled out of the market and so everyone is doing all they can to emerge as the best and most demanded. A good example is like the move that photographers like Marcus have taken by coming up with photographs that document the history and development of say a certain state and put it in his work of art, this is so essential because most people generally hate the aspect of learning but since this will present itself as having fun and studying some work of art, more people will be attracted to the same and this provides a chance for the to learn about the places they stay in and therefore appreciate how far they have come and where they are headed. We can therefore all accept that all photographers have done much to achieve greater things and heights at both individual, national and international level and so we cant let them go unnoticed and it’s the duty of each one of us to ensure that the photographers and other artists grow to the greatest heights by supporting them in they work. Finally is to all artists out there both the well known and who have the basis and those who are just starting the work and realizing their talent to keep up their work and even go the extra mile to give us more that we have not yet seen  and are eagerly waiting for that and more. Thesis statement The photographers have a bright future ahead if they keep up with the pace and ensure that research and technology development is top on their agenda. Sources 1.Rosenblum, Naomi. A World History of Photography. 3rd edition. New York: Abbeville Press, 1997. 2.Johnson, William. Nineteenth-century Photography: An Annotated Bibliography, 1839-1879. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1990. 3.Roosens, Laurent, and Luc Salu. History of Photography: A Bibliography of Books. London: Mansell, 1989. 4.Rosenblum, Naomi. History of Women Photographers. Updated and Expanded Edition. New York: Abbeville Press, 2000.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Calorimeters Essay Example for Free

Calorimeters Essay The Calorimeters Calorimeters are a device that can measure the heat that comes from burning an item. Simple Calorimeter A simple calorimeter is used to detect the enthalpy change when a fuel is burned. The fuel is burnt to heat a specific mass of water and then measure its rise in temperature. The word calorimeter comes from the Latin phrase calor which means heat. A simple calorimeter just consists of a thermometer attached to a metal container full of water suspended above a combustion chamber. Below is a diagram of a simple calorimeter. The temperature of the water allows for calculating calorie content of the fuel. Pressurized with pure oxygen and containing a known mass of a sample and a small amount of water, it is submerged under a known volume of water before the charge is electrically ignited. The bomb, with the sample and oxygen, form a closed system, no air escapes during the reaction. The energy released by the combustion raises the temperature of the steel bomb, its contents, and the surrounding water jacket. The temperature change in the water is then accurately measured. This temperature rise, along with a bomb factor (which is dependent on the heat capacity of the metal bomb parts) is used to calculate the energy given out by the sample burn. A small correction is made to account for the electrical energy input, the burning fuse, and acid production (by titration of the residual liquid). After the temperature rise has been measured, the excess pressure in the bomb is released. Basically, a bomb calorimeter consists of a small cup to contain the sample, oxygen, a stainless steel bomb, water, a stirrer, a thermometer and ignition circuit connected to the bomb. Below is a diagram of a bomb calorimeter.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Quinapril HCl (QUI) and Hydrochlorthiazide (HCTZ) Literature

Quinapril HCl (QUI) and Hydrochlorthiazide (HCTZ) Literature LITERATURE REVIEW Reema jaiswal, Pinak patel et al., (2013) developed and reported a new simple, sensitive, rapid, accurate, precise and economical RP-HPLC method for the simultaneous determination of Quinapril HCl (QUI) and Hydrochlorthiazide (HCTZ) in their combined pharmaceutical dosage form using potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate buffer (pH 4.0 adjusted with Ortho Phosphoric acid):Acetonitrile(70:30v/v) mobile phase, and C18 column ODS(100 mm x 4.6 mm,3.0ÃŽ ¼ particle size) as stationary phase with detection wavelength of 215 nm. Linearity was obtained in the concentration range of 5-25 ÃŽ ¼g/ml for both the drugs. The % recoveries of the both the drugs were found to be 99.50 – 101.50 % and 99.00 101.06%respectively.The LOD were found to be 0.014ÃŽ ¼g/ml and 0.013ÃŽ ¼g/ml at 215 nm for QUI and HCTZ respectively. Methods were statistically validated for Accuracy, precision, specificity, LOQ, and robustness according to ICH guidelines and can be used for analysis of combined dosage form. Serkan ALTUNSOY, Burà §in BOZAL-PALABIYIK, Bengi USLU et al., (2013) developed and reported a RP-HPLC method for the simultaneous determination of quinapril (QNP) and hydrochlorothiazide (HCZ) in pharmaceutical dosage forms. In this method quinapril, hydrochlorothiazide and perindopril (internal standard) were separated using a reversed phase column (Hichrom C18; 250Ãâ€"4.6 mm i.d.; 10 ÃŽ ¼m) with acetonitrile: potassium dihydrogen phosphate (at pH 2.5; 0.067 M) (40:60 v/v) as a mobile phase using UV detector at 211 nm and flow rate was 1.0 ml/min. The retention times for quinapril, hydrochlorothiazide and perindoprile were 4.391, 3.237 and 3.931 min, respectively. Linearity was obtained in the concentration range of 2-30 ÃŽ ¼g/mL for QNP and 1.25-18.75 ÃŽ ¼g/mL for HCZ. The proposed method has been fully validated and method is simple, rapid and suitable for quality control (QC) applications. Khan SA, Kulkarni SS, Biyani KR and Khan BA et al., (2013) developed and reported a simple, sensitive, accurate and reproducible method for simultaneous estimation of Quinapril and Hydrochlorthiazide by the Simultaneous equation method, using methanol as solvent. The two wavelengths 257 nm ÃŽ »max of Quinapril Hydrochloride (QNA-H) and 271 nm ÃŽ »max of Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) were selected for the formation of Simultaneous equations. The two drugs follow Beer-Lambert’s law over the concentration range of 5- 30 ÃŽ ¼g/ml of QNA-H and 2.5 – 15 ÃŽ ¼g/ml of HCTZ. Recovery study was performed to confirm the accuracy of the method. The recovery of the Quinapril Hydrochloride and Hydrochlorothiazide were found near to 100 %. The Results were found to satisfactory and reproducible. The methods were validated as per ICH guidelines. Reema Jaiswal, Pinak patel et al., (2013) developed and reported a new economical Derivative Spectrophotometric method for the simultaneous determination of Quinapril HCl (QUI) and Hydrochlorthiazide (HCTZ) in their combined pharmaceutical dosage form was developed and the absorbance of the solutions were measured at 242.45 nm (ÃŽ »1), and 257.17 nm (ÃŽ »2) for the estimation of both the drugs. The linearity was obtained in the concentration range of 80-240 ÃŽ ¼g/ml for QUI and 10-50 ÃŽ ¼g/ml for HCTZ The mean recovery was 99.93 – 100.33 % and 99.06- 101.25% for QUI and HCTZ respectively. The results of analysis have been validated statistically as per ICH guidelines. Gandhimathi and Ravi et al., (2013) developed and reported an ion-pair HPLC method has been developed and validated for the estimation of quinapril and hydrochlorothiazide simultaneously in combined dosage form. The mobile phase used was a mixture of 0.1% v/v triethylamine (pH 3.5), containing 1M of hexane sulphonic acid: acetonitrile (30:70% v/v). The detection was carried out on photo diode array detector at 220 nm. The proposed method can be successfully used to determine the drug contents of marketed formulation. Girija B. Bhavar, V.A Chatpalliwar, D.D. Patil and S.J. Surana et al., (2008) developed and reported HPTLC method for simultaneous estimation of Quinapril and Hydrochlorthiazide in pharmaceutical formulations. The drugs were separated on silica gel 60 F254 plates using suitable combination of solvents as mobile phase. The validation parameters, tested in accordance with the requirements of ICH guidelines, prove the suitability of methods. Mariusz Stolarczyk, Anna Maalanka, Anna Apola et al., (2013) developed spectrophotometric and chromatographic-densitometric methods for determination of losartan potassium, quinapril hydrochloride and hydrochlorothiazide in pharmaceutical preparations. The measurements were carried out at ÃŽ » = 224.0 nm for quinapril, ÃŽ » = 261.0 nm for hydrochlorothiazide and ÃŽ » = 270.0 nm for losartan when the derivative spectrophotometry was applied and ÃŽ » = 317.0 nm when zero order spectrophotometry was applied for the determination of hydrochlorothiazide. In chromatographic-densitometric studies high performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) plates were used as stationary phase and a mixture of solvents n-butanol : acetic acid : water (15 : 5 : 1, v/v/v) as mobile phase. Under the established conditions good resolution of examined constituents was obtained. Retardation factor for quinapril hydrochloride was Rf ~ 0.70, for losartan potassium Rf ~ 0.85 and for hydrochlorothiazide Rf ~ 0. 78. The developed methods are characterized by high sensitivity and accuracy. For quantitative analysis, densitometric measurements were carried out at ÃŽ » = 218.0 nm for quinapril, ÃŽ » = 275.0 nm for hydrochlorothiazide and ÃŽ » = 232.0 nm for losartan. Kunal Makwana, Reena V Dhamecha, Nilesh Pandya et al., (2011) developed a rugged and economic method for the estimation of quinapril and its metabolite in human serum by lcms/ms detection for clinical trials. Ramipril was used as internal standard for quantitation of Quinapril, and it metabolite from human serum. Linear regression with 1/X2 weighting was performed to determine the concentration of the drug from serum . A common solid phase extraction procedure for the isolation of drug and its metabolite was developed from serum samples. The samples were analyzed on API 3200 Triple quadrapole mass spectrometer using Chromolith, RPà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 18e column in atmospheric pressure electro spray ionization. The mobile phase composition was an isocratic mixture of 0.01% Ammonia in water: acetonitrile (30:70 %v/v). The method was validated over a linear range of 10 – 1000 ng/mL and the limit of quantification was 10 ng/mL. Recoveries were observed above 70% for all the three analyt es. The storage stability of Quality control samples was investigated under various conditions Wagh, Hapse. S. A.; Kadaskar, V. S.; Dokhe, P. T.; Shirsath, A. S. et al., (2012) developed a method for the estimation of hydrochlorothiazide in tablet dosage form. This analytical method developed for the estimation of hydrochlorothiazide in bulk fluids showed maximum absorbance at ÃŽ »max of 272 nm in distilled water and in 0.01N NAOH between 200 nm and 400 nm of UV scan. The method developed was validated for accuracy, linearity, limit of detection and limit of quantitation studies. The above analytical parameters indicated that the developed UV Spectrophotometric method of hydrochlorothiazide was simple, accurate and reproducible. Neela M Bhatia, Rituraj B Desai and Swapnil D Jadhav et al., (2012) reported a simple spectrophotometric method development for simultaneous estimation of Losartan Potassium (LOS) and Hydrochlorothiazide (HCT) in two component tablet formulation. The method employed is a first order derivative spectroscopy. The wavelengths used for detection were 257 nm for LOS and 243 nm for HCT. Linearity was observed in the range of 10-90 ÃŽ ¼g/ml for LOS and 2.5-22.5 ÃŽ ¼g/ml for HCT. The recovery studies confirmed accuracy of proposed method and low values of standard deviation confirmed precision of method. The method is validated as per ICH guidelines. R. K. Patel, J. B. Patel et al., (2011) developed accurate, precise and sensitive UV spectrophotometric method for the determination of Nebivolol Hcl (NEB-H) and Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) in bulk as well as in the pharmaceutical formulation. Calibration curves were linear in range of 10-80 ÃŽ ¼g/mL (r2=0.999) and 2-16 ÃŽ ¼g/mL (r2=0.998) at ÃŽ »max of 281 and 271nm for Nebivolol HCl and Hydrochlorothiazide respectively. The method was validated statistically. Monika L. Jadhav, Manoj V. Girase, Shripad K. Tidme et al., (2014) developed two UV spectrophotometric methods and validated for simultaneous estimation of valsartan and hydrochlorothiazide in a tablet dosage form. The first method employed solving of simultaneous equations based on the measurement of absorbance at two wavelengths, 249.4 nm and 272.6 nm, à °Ã‚ Ã…“† max for valsartan and hydrochlorothiazide, respectively. The second method was absorbance ratio method, which involves formation of Q-absorbance equation at 258.4nm (isoabsorptive point) and also at 272.6nm (à °Ã‚ Ã…“† max of hydrochlorothiazide). The methods were found to be linear between the range of 5–30 à °Ã‚ Ã…“†¡g/ml for valsartan and 4–24 à °Ã‚ Ã…“†¡g/ml for hydrochlorothiazide using 0.1N NaOH as solvent. The mean percentage recovery was found to be 100.20% and 100.19% for the simultaneous equation method and 98.56% and 97.96% for the absorbance ratio method, for va lsartan and hydrochlorothiazide, respectively, at three different levels of standard additions. The precision (intraday, interday) of methods was found within limits (RSD Shilpa Korti, Channabasavaraj KP, Somashekar PL et al., (2014) reported a new, simple (RP-HPLC) method and validated for simultaneous estimation of Moxonidine(MOX) and Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) in bulk drug and tablet dosage forms. The separation was achieved by using C8 Phenomenex Luna (250 x 4.6mm, 5ÃŽ ¼m) column with a mobile phase acetonitrile and formic acid solution (0.2%v/v) in the ratio 50:50 by using flow rate of 0.8 ml/min and detection wavelength at 245 nm. The retention times of MOX and HCTZ were found to be 3.0 and 4.8 min and the calibration curves were linear (r2=0.999) over a concentration range from 1-35ÃŽ ¼g/mL for MOX and HCTZ respectively. Limit of detection (LOD) and Limit of quantitation (LOQ) were 0.08ÃŽ ¼g/mL and 0.1ÃŽ ¼g/mL for MOX and 0.2ÃŽ ¼g/mL and 0.4ÃŽ ¼g/mL for HCTZ respectively. The developed method was validated as per ICH guidelines and the results were found to be within the limits. So it can be used for the routine quality control of MOX and HCTZ in bulk sample and tablet dosage forms. Vidhya K. Bhusari, Sunil R. Dhaneshwar et al., (2011) reported a new and accurate HPTLC method for simultaneous estimation of Atenolol, Hydrochlorothiazide and Amlodipine Besylate as the bulk drug and in tablet dosage forms by using aluminum plates precoated with silica gel 60 F254 as the stationary phase and chloroform: methanol: acetic acid (8: 2: 0.2 v/v/v) as mobile phase. Densitometric evaluation of the separated zones was performed at 232 nm. The three drugs were satisfactorily resolved with RF values 0.22  ± 0.02 and 0.36  ± 0.02, 0.55  ± 0.02 for Atenolol, Hydrochlorothiazide and Amlodipine Besylate, respectively. The accuracy and reliability of the method was assessed by evaluation of linearity (100-600 ng/spot for Atenolol, Hydrochlorothiazide and Amlodipine Besylate), precision (intra-day % RSD was 0.37–1.19 and inter-day % RSD was 0.69–1.11 for Atenolol, intra-day % RSD was 0.49–1.16 and inter-day % RSD was 0.50–1.23 for Hydrochlorothiazi de and intra-day % RSD was 0.59–0.84 and inter-day % RSD was 0.60–0.91 for Amlodipine Besylate), accuracy (99.93  ± 0.43 for Atenolol, 99.92  ± 0.72 for Hydrochlorothiazide and 99.87  ± 0.63 for Amlodipine Besylate), and specificity in accordance with ICH guidelines. Havaldar Freddy H and Vairal Dharmendra L et al., (2010) developed a simple, specific (RP-HPLC) method and validated for the determination of atenolol, hydrochlorothiazide, losartan and valsartan. Separation was achieved with a Nucleodur 100 C–18 column having 250 x 4.6mm i.d. with 5ÃŽ ¼m particle size and potassium dihydrogen phosphate buffer adjusted to pH 3.0 using diluted ortho phosphoric acid and acetonitrile (50:50 v à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ v) at flow rate of 1.0ml/min using UV detection at 210nm. The retention time of atenolol, hydrochlorothiazide, losartan and valsartan was about 1.99min, 2.90min, 5.92min and 9.42min respectively. The proposed method was validated and successfully used for estimation of atenolol, hydrochlorothiazide, losartan and valsartan in the pharmaceutical dosage form.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Henry James The Europeans Essays -- Henry James Europeans Culture Ess

In his novel The Europeans, Henry James tells the story of an American family that is visited by their European cousins. James uses these circumstances to depict the differences between Europeans and Americans. The Americans tend to be frightened of the Europeans, since they seem quite foreign within the puritanical American community. On the other hand, the Europeans are surprised by the Americans' provincial ways. Reaction to the unfamiliar is a central element of the novel. Each character's reaction to the unfamiliar reveals his or her personality and also determines whom that character is capable of tolerating and of loving. Felix, one of the European cousins, and Gertrude, the younger daughter of the American family, both illustrate characters who welcome the unknown. Charlotte, the elder daughter of the American family, and Mr. Brand, the clergyman who lives with the family, both seek to avoid change. Eugenia, the other European cousin, enjoys stability whereas her suitor Mr. Acton is excited by new experiences. The latter pair can never live together, while the characters of similar dispositions tend to become romantically involved. Thus, reaction to the unfamiliar determines the course of each of these characters' lives. Characters like Gertrude and Felix are curious about things that they have not experienced. They search for new things, being unable to maintain one way of life for a long period of time. Gertrude displays this by her imaginative nature. She adores imagining, wishing to be somewhere else in the world. When she is left alone when everyone else goes to church Gertrude decides to transport herself to Arabia: "She possessed herself of a very obvious volume-one of the series of the Arabian Nights-and sh... ...g consistency, and thus they are conservative characters who can live together because they will be able to sustain order and routine. Eugenia and Acton can never agree on how to live, forcing them to end their relationship. In this novel, James takes a more humorous approach than in his other novels, and pokes fun at his own stiff American culture. He uses the European influence to show how narrow-minded New Englanders were at the time, and in fact James was part of this puritanical society. However, he presents a contrast with characters who believe that change is essential. Thus, through showing two juxtaposed opinions, James contrasts American conservatism with European worldliness, and how this reflects on the members of those different societies. However, as in the best Shakespearean comedy, the story ends with a marriage, and it is all much ado about nothing.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is a book about a boy named Harry Potter who is a wizard. Its setting is in London, which is where Harry lives. The time element is supposed to be present day, but it is a fiction book.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Harry has spent all summer waiting to hear news about Lord Voldemort, a evil wizard that Harry saw return the year before, but nobody believes him. One evening after listening to news ,he decides to go for a walk. He then sees his cousin, who he lives with and hates. They then get in a fight and Harry pulls out his wand and at that exact moment two dementors attack them. Dudley thinks Harry is attacking him so he punches Harry. Harry then heroically saves them both by producing a patronus and driving away the dementors.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  They get back home and Harry gets a letter from the Ministry of Magic that says because he used magic he is expelled (Harry is underage and underage wizards aren't supposed to use magic). He is horrified. He can't believe he was expelled. Hogwarts was the only good thing in his life. He then gets another letter that says he isn't expelled but that he has to go to a hearing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When Harry's friends here about him being expelled they are speechless. Hermoine just can't understand why he might be expelled when he saved Dudley. She is aghast. Ron is stupefied.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Harry goes to the hearing and is cleared, but there is a new teacher at Hogwarts that makes Harry's life miserable. Her name is Professor Umbridge. She was one of the people at Harry's hearing that said he was guilty. She is really rude to Harry. She gives him detention and makes him write lines with a quill that scratches whatever you write into your hand and uses your blood as ink. She also takes away Harry's privilege of playing Quidditch ever again. Somehow Harry gets through it all.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The climax is when Harry goes to the Ministry of Magic to rescue his godfather, Sirius, but Sirius isn't there. There are some people there though. They are the Deatheaters, Lord Voldemort's loyal servants. There is then a big fight where the Deatheaters try to steal a prophecy from Harry. Then Lord Voldemort himself arrives after the prophecy was smashed. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix :: essays research papers   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is a book about a boy named Harry Potter who is a wizard. Its setting is in London, which is where Harry lives. The time element is supposed to be present day, but it is a fiction book.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Harry has spent all summer waiting to hear news about Lord Voldemort, a evil wizard that Harry saw return the year before, but nobody believes him. One evening after listening to news ,he decides to go for a walk. He then sees his cousin, who he lives with and hates. They then get in a fight and Harry pulls out his wand and at that exact moment two dementors attack them. Dudley thinks Harry is attacking him so he punches Harry. Harry then heroically saves them both by producing a patronus and driving away the dementors.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  They get back home and Harry gets a letter from the Ministry of Magic that says because he used magic he is expelled (Harry is underage and underage wizards aren't supposed to use magic). He is horrified. He can't believe he was expelled. Hogwarts was the only good thing in his life. He then gets another letter that says he isn't expelled but that he has to go to a hearing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When Harry's friends here about him being expelled they are speechless. Hermoine just can't understand why he might be expelled when he saved Dudley. She is aghast. Ron is stupefied.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Harry goes to the hearing and is cleared, but there is a new teacher at Hogwarts that makes Harry's life miserable. Her name is Professor Umbridge. She was one of the people at Harry's hearing that said he was guilty. She is really rude to Harry. She gives him detention and makes him write lines with a quill that scratches whatever you write into your hand and uses your blood as ink. She also takes away Harry's privilege of playing Quidditch ever again. Somehow Harry gets through it all.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The climax is when Harry goes to the Ministry of Magic to rescue his godfather, Sirius, but Sirius isn't there. There are some people there though. They are the Deatheaters, Lord Voldemort's loyal servants. There is then a big fight where the Deatheaters try to steal a prophecy from Harry. Then Lord Voldemort himself arrives after the prophecy was smashed.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Using Material from Item a and Elsewhere

Using material from item A and elsewhere assess the view that social class differences in educational achievement are the result of school processes such as labelling. Social class is typically known as social grouping or hierarchy based on differences in wealth, income or occupation. In the UK there are mainly two social classes; working class and middle class. 33% of students who are currently on free school meals achieve 5A*-C at GCSE, however 61% of students who are not on free school meals also achieve 5A*-C grades. 0% of the failing school are from deprived areas, and 79% of children from a higher professional family are more likely to go to university, whilst only 15% of children from unskilled and manual backgrounds go to work. Sub cultures are a group of people within society who share the same norms, values, beliefs and attitude that go against the main stream in society. This is usually different from or opposed to the main stream culture, for instance an anti-school subcu lture is more likely to be formed by pupils in lower streams.This is backed up by â€Å"They have examined the way in which labelling is linked to other processes within schools that result in class differences in achievement† (Item A) â€Å"These processes include self-fulfilling prophecy, streaming and the formation of pupil subcultures† (Item A) Therefore working class children will underachieve and middle class children will continue to progress. This can disadvantage working class children because of the use of home and school contracts.The education triage for working class are labelled as â€Å"hopeless cases† which then produces a selffulfilling prophecy and failure, which then leads to working class children going under stereotypical ideas. However, some labelled students go against their label to prove teachers wrong, which pushes them to do just as well as middle class children. Labelling is to attach a meaning or definition. Typically teachers label students as, bright, thick or hardworking. This usually affects working class students as they are labelled ‘thick’.This is backed up from item A â€Å"some sociologists explain social class differences in achievement in terms of school processes such as labelling† According to Cicourel and Kitsuse teachers judge students according to their ability, social class and race. Labelling can lead to self fulfilling prophecy where the student will accept the label and do what is expected of that particular label. However, this can advantage working class children to work against their label and achieve the best possible grades.According to the Sutton Trust 80% of ethnic minority pupils aspire to go to university. This goes on to show that labelling working class children can affect their final grade. Another process that school use that affect educational achievement is streaming. This process is when students are put into groups according to capability. â€Å"These pr ocesses include the self-fulfilling prophecy, streaming and the formation of pupil subcultures† (Item A). Becker begins to believe that the capability groups are those who will pass, those who might pass and those who will not pass.However, Stephen Ball takes the analysis a step further to abolish banding, in favour of teaching mixed ability groups. This has created new opportunities for schools and teachers. This is to differentiate between pupils on the basis of their class, ethnicity or gender and to not treat them unequally. Therefore showing that streaming is a major factor in underachievement. Finally Self-fulfilling prophecy can affect educational achievement. This process consists of a prediction that comes true simply by virtue of it having it being made.This can affect those less able because it foes against the main stream. This is backed up by â€Å"Gilbourn and Youdell have examined the role of educational policies in creating the context for such school processe s to take place† (Item A) Gilbourn and Youdell shows how teachers notions of ability conclude to their decisions of which pupils have the potential to achieve 5A*-C grade gcse’s. Neil Keddie then argues that the more intelligent students get taught more complex and advanced information and methods while the students in the lower sets are not recognised and being left behind.However Rosenthal and Jacobson performed an experiment where they picked random students from the class who were also working class and told teachers they are able to improve, this later resulted in teachers spending more time with these ‘selected’ students which made them improve and achieve better. Therefore showing that self-fulfilling prophecy can have an effect in education underachievement. To conclude sub cultures, labelling, streaming and self-fulfilling prophecy can effect education underachievement, due to social class, gender and race.Being labelled tends to be based on your s ocial class, where you will be labelled between smart and dumb. Streaming is typically based on your ability on whether you’re smart or dumb. Also, sub cultures and self-fulfilling prophecy is known to go under all social class, gender and race as it is a group of people who tend to go against the norms, beliefs and values of mean stream sub culture. However education underachievement cannot just be a social class difference, it has internal factors as well as external factors.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Structural Properties of Timber

1. Introduction During this assignment different types of wood will be discussed every bit good as the value of lumber used in interior applications. The headers will be organised consequently: 1.1 Chipboard versus Plywood 1.2 Autochthonal Hardwood versus Softwood 1.3 Laminates and veneers 1.4 Timber joinery. Each of the descriptions will incorporate a briefly written account, discoursing the advantages and disadvantages of utilizing the peculiar merchandise or fixture within an interior application. Photographs of the merchandise every bit good as a peculiar application of this merchandise will be included. It will be stipulated why the peculiar applications is either successful or less successful. Assorted lumber fall ining methods will be researched every bit good as peculiar applications thereof.1.1 Chipboard versus PlywoodChipboardChipboardcan be defined as a low class board that consists of tight wood french friess, bound together with a man-made rosin. This low grade composition board can besides be used as a stiffener for exposure and as a backup for paper tablets. (,2014 ) . Chipboard is besides available in a figure of densenesss: normal- , medium- and high denseness. Normal denseness is reasonably soft and high denseness is solid and difficult. ( Design-Technolog y, n.d. ) A positionadvantagesof hardboard include, cost efficiency as it is used for an alternate to solid wood for the building of furniture, usually the sort of furniture that is meant for ego assembly by the consumer. Chipboard is besides an advantage to the environment as it is made out of 70 per centum recycled stuffs. This means that alternatively of utilizing solid wood, fewer trees will hold to be chopped down when people choose to utilize chipboard alternatively. Chipboard is besides really strong and performs good under force per unit area. If hardboard is used alternatively of solid wood, it creates no weak musca volitanss in furniture. As hardboard can be covered with a broad assortment of coatings, it allows the consumer to take a coating to his or her liking. The hardboard can be made to imitate any type of wood every bit good as the best quality of wood without defects or knots. ( Grand Wood China, 2013 ) Somedisadvantagesof hardboard may include, H2O harm ; as hardboard can falsify, snarl and damage when exposed to wet. Because of this hardboard should non be installed in damp environments such as bathrooms. ( Grand Wood China, 2013 ) . Chipboard is chieflyusedfor counter tops in kitchens, where it will be laminated with cyanuramide, and fire doors. Work surfaces and flat- battalion furniture is made out of hardboard with a veneered surface. High denseness hardboard is heavy, stiff and hardwearing, these types of hardboard is chiefly used as the shell for kitchen units, worktops and flooring. ( Design-Technology, n.d. ) .Successful or Less SuccessfulPlywoodPlywoodcan be defined as a structural board that consists out of an uneven figure of thin beds ( lower limit of three beds ) of wood glued together under force per unit area, ever with the grain of one bed at right angles to the grain of the bordering bed. ( The Free Dictionary, 2014 ) . Advantagesof plyboard are the layering of the wood that creates strength, this besides prevents the boards from writhing, checking and falsifying under force per unit area. Plywood is besides less expensive than solid forests. ( Make It Yourself, 2011 ) . Marine Plywood is specially made for the usage under H2O, this stuff should be protected with vanish or pigment and the plyboard is fixed with rainproof adhesive. ( Design-Technology, n.d. ) The plyboard will go even stronger depending on the sum of beds added. The coating of plyboard can change, as some contain knots and other consist of attractive grains. Plywood can be used in insides every bit good as outsides, depending on the H2O opposition adhesives that is used. Plywood can be nailed or screwed and it can be curved because of the flexibleness of the stuff. The most common thicknesses of plyboard are 4,6,9 and 12 millimeter. ( Design-Technology, n.d. ) . Plywood has a fewdisadvantageslike H2O harm due to the layering which makes the material porous. Plywood will acquire heavy when moisture and should hence be covered when left out-of-doorss. ( Make It Yourself, 2011 ) . Plywood is normallyusedfor walls, roofing, flooring and decks. Plywood can be used for insides every bit good as outsides, plyboard can even be used for the building of boats. Because plyboard is a lasting and strong stuff, it is first-class for the usage in building. ( Make It Yourself, 2011 ) . Plywood can besides be used for cladding, sheds, furniture and shuttering boxes, this is normally used in building to incorporate concrete while it sets. ( Design-Technology, n.d. ) Harmonizing to ( Design-Technology, n.d. ) , â€Å" Exterior class plyboard ( WBP – Weather and Boil Proof ) . This type of plyboard can be used outside. Water-repellent adhesives are used and can defy a certain sum of wet. Weather boiled cogent evidence plyboard requires pigment or varnish to protect the outer veneer from the elements. Internal plyboard does non incorporate water-repellent adhesive. The codification used to stand for this plyboard is ( Int.interior use merely ) . Other codifications used on the surface of plyboard are: Bromines: -Boil Resistant, MR: -Moisture Resistant. †Successful or Less SuccessfulIn decision to the research provided refering hardboard and plyboard, it is hard to compare the two stuffs as they are really much the same. Chipboard is more aesthetically delighting and is non every bit harmful to the environment but can damage easy and plyboard is more cost effectual and is stronger than hardboard and it is used for a larger assortment o f merchandises.1.2 Autochthonal Hardwood versus SoftwoodAutochthonal HardwoodDefinition of Autochthonal Hardwood: Advantages of hardwood include, toughness, hardness, strong, the closer the grain is the more it can defy daze and wear, lasting, easy to utilize, elastic, does non divide easy, can be used under H2O, due to the oil content, it is of course lasting to wet and it will non eat Fe or steel adjustments. ( Design-Technology, n.d. ) . The disadvantages of hardwood include, falsifying, heavy and expencive, dividing can happen, hard to paste because of the oil content, will blunt tools really rapidly, does non smooth every bit good and it is hard to complete. ( Design-Technology, n.d. ) . Hardwood is chiefly used for furniture, floors, veneers, wooden plaything and decorations, boat edifice, gate stations, decks, store adjustments, Sillss, Gatess, doors, and stepss. ( Design-Technology, n.d. ) . Successful or Less SuccessfulSoftwoodSoftwoodcan be defined as wood that comes from an cone-bearing tree. Softwood are in general softer than hardwoods but there are a few exclusions. ( The Free Dictionary. 2014 ) There are advantages of deal, viz. , wood like pine, redwood and Scottishs pine are readily available and reasonably inexpensive, lasting, easy to work with, attractive grain and available in long and broad boards. Wood like Western Red Cedar are immune to insect onslaught due to natural preservative oils every bit good as conditions and dry putrefaction. It is besides knot free, H2O resistant and lasting. ( Design-Technology, n.d. ) Softwood has disadvantages every bit good and they include, the fact that they are non as strong, does be given to falsify, splits easy and expensive. ( Design-Technology, n.d. ) Softwood can be used for stairwaies, furniture, cladding for outside of edifices and general outside work. ( Design-Technology, n.d. )Successful or Less SuccessfulDecision1.3 Laminates and veneersLaminatesLaminates can be defined as two or more thin sheets of stuff, bonded together to cover or cover another stuff. ( The Free Dictionary, 2014 ) Advantages Disadvantages Uses in an Interior SpaceSuccessful or Less SuccessfulVeneersVeneerscan be defined as cosmetic, thin surface bed, glued to a base of low grade stuff to give the feeling that it is made of high quality stuff. ( The Free Dictionary, 2014 ) Veneers have advantages and disadvantages. An advantage of veneers are AdvantagesVeneer wood furniture begins with thin beds of wood glued together with the grain at right angles over a thick nucleus. This mark design reduces the opportunities of splitting or snap. Plus, the gum is the every bit strong, rainproof adhesive used in aircraft and marine building, so the terminal consequence is really stronger than the natural wood. Many people erroneously assume that veneered furniture is inferior to or cheaper than solid wood ; nevertheless, veneers rather frequently are used in high terminal furniture pieces and it can be more dearly-won than solid wood.AdvantagesofVeneer Woodhypertext transfer protocol: // Uses in an Interior SpaceSuccessful or Less SuccessfulDecision1.4 Timber JoineryJoinery is all right woodwork executed on wood working machinery in the protection of a workshop, in contrast to woodworking, which is unsmooth woodwork executed on the edifice site. The modern joiner makes purpose made closets, doors, Windowss, architraves and counters in solid wood, plyboard, fiberboard and hardboard, on modern woodwork machinery.249 Chipboard is an economical board made of harsh timber french friess bonded together under force per unit area. The criterion for hardboard is SANS 50312. Board made with phenolic type adhesive is suited for external usage, that made with melamine-urea methanals adhesive is suited for floor stuff or research lab worktops that are infrequently wetted. 251 The criterion for plyboard is SANS 929. Plywood can be of commercial, marine or structural class. The figure of hemorrhoids is ever uneven ( lower limit of three ) sing that the grain of the two outer beds runs parallel to guarantee a balanced board. Plywood can be dead set and shaped by wetting the board and determining it under heat and force per unit area, e.g. chair seats.251 Hardwood- The criterions for hardwood for furniture is SANS 1099. This includes a description of 29 local and imported species. Hardwood is supplied in three class: clear class ( marked red ) ; semi-clear ( pronounced blue ) ; knotty class ( marked viridity ) . 249 Softwood- The criterion for sawn industrial deal is SANS 1783. Softwood is grown locally and is supplied in six classs: clear class for high quality furniture ; semi-clear class for furniture and joinery ; cutting class ; visual aspect class for furniture, floors and shelves ; public-service corporation class, where visual aspect is non of import ; packing class for palettes and crates.250 Cosmetic laminates are fictile sheets with a cosmetic face. Cosmetic Laminates sheets sizes are 3.5 ten 1.2 m. There are several high and low force per unit area cosmetic laminate types, each with its ain application: general intent type ; for worktops, doors, shortss, light responsibility type ; for door- and drawer foreparts, carcases, shelves, cabinet liner type ; for internal liner of closets, angel type ; for contrary sides of boards to forestall uneven soaking up of wet of the substrate, specific purpose type ; for doors, dividers, walls and floors, high-wear type ; for industrial worktops, fire retardent type. All cosmetic laminates are made from rosin and paper. Melamine rosin and paper are used for surfaces, and phenol rosin and trade paper for nucleus building. Melamine is a thermosetting rosin type that is immune to high temperatures, chemicals and wear. Resins can be modified for specific intents like station forming and fire retarding. 252 Particle board, and fibreboard with at least minimal denseness, may be covered with veneers or cosmetic laminates. Veneer is a thin Peel of largely hardwoods. 2522. Decision3. 2014.Chipboard. [ Online ] . Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 5 May 2014 ] . Grand Wood China. 2013.The Advantages of Chipboard.[ Online ] . Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 5 May 2014 ] . Design-Technology. n.d.Chipboard.[ Online ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 5 May 2014 ] . The Free Dictionary. 2014.Plywood. [ Online ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 5 May 2014 ] . Make It Yourself. 2011.Plywood Advantages and Disadvantages.[ Online ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 5 May 2014 ] . Design-Technology. n.d.Plywood.[ Online ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 5 May 2014 ] . The Free Dictionary. 2014.Laminates. [ Online ] . Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 5 May 2014 ] The Free Dictionary. 2014.Veneers. [ Online ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 5 May 2014 ] The Free Dictionary. 2014.Softwood. [ Online ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 5 May 2014 ] Design-Technology. n.d.Hardwoods and Softwoods Table. [ Online ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 5 May 2014 ]

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Shakespeare Movie vs Play

Shakespeare's Othello: Movie (Oliver parker 1995) Vs. Play Oliver parker's Othello came out in 1995 with Laurence Fishburne as Othello this is also the first time Othello was played by a coloured actor, Kenneth Branagh as Iago and Irene Jacob as Desdemona. Parker kept the original plot and language intact, however the movie seemed to give Othello life through visual and audio aids. Parker's Othello enables the viewer to associate on a personal level and compliments to the anticipation and imagination of those who have read the play before watching the movie.The audio although normally overpowered by the visual aspect played a key role in defining and empowering the movie. The music was fast and uplifting during celebration and on the eve of Othello's victory against the turks however the music changed to slow and haunting during Iago's monologues, Othello's lascivious and crazed thought of Cassio and Desdemona and scenes involving death. Audio plays key role in foreshadowing and indi cation, whenever Iago speaks of his plans the music starts of in piano or mezzo piano and slowly crescendos as is heard when Iago repeats â€Å"i hate the moor,† the music becomes increasingly passionate and strong.Iago's pronunciation and stress of each his words during his soliloquies were indicators of coming events. Iago's words were soft and soothing when he was â€Å"pouring pestilence† and they became loud and strong when a key scene would be approaching. Iago's soft speech was a way of showing his sincerity to Othello but also as a way of safe guarding his real intentions, this is can be seen when Iago first reveals to Othello that Desdemona is being unfaithful. The most captivating usage of music in the movie was the song Desdemona sings in the bath to Emilia â€Å"Willow, Willow,† on the night of her death.The song foreshadows the death of the person of sings it. It predicted the death of Desdemona's mother's maid and it does the same for her and Emili a. The visual aid in the movie played a large role in aiding the viewers imagination and also filling in blanks that the play could not. Some of the best visuals in Parker's movie adaptation of Othello were not in the script, the black and white chess pieces, water, wedding, sea burial, the dagger, and the glimpses of Cassio and Desdemona together.The chess pieces seem to symbolise Iago's plan to destroy Othello and Desdemona and also the sea burial later in the movie. Oliver used a lot of fire and water images throughout the movie, water seemed to represent ill fate, water foreshadows death or something bad. Desdemona was in the bath the night she was killed and Othello even washed is hands and face before he killed Desdemona. The fire and light in Oliver's movie seemed to represent safety and warmth, When Othello is about to kill Desdemona he blows out the candle. The candle represents Desdemona and how her time to live is coming to an end.Oliver plays with light through the backg round, Scenes which involve Desdemona are bright and lit up until her death and scenes which involve Iago are dark and lack brightness. Othello's clothes were indicators to his own personal change in the beginning he would wear white and clothes different to the others but towards the end the clothes he was wearing were black. These colours reflect the moor's mood at different times of the play. The movie however had some weak points that pulled it away from shakespeare's original intent with the script. There was a lot more emphasis on sexuality in the movie than Shakespeare's play intended.There is also questions about Iago's sexuality and true intents in one fleeting moment in Parker's Othello; Iago breaks down crying when him and Othello make a blood pact. Iago's breakdown comes as a surprise and throws the viewer off guard to much towards the end distorting Iago's reasoning for plotting against the Moor. Overall Parker did a good job with the movie he managed to maintain locati on and time period of Shakespeare's original, it allows us to get a clearer more defined picture of Othello. The dialogue and settings are kept as authentic as possible.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Government Intervention in the Workplace and Economic Development Essay

In a free economic system, the decisions made by the buyers and decisions made by the suppliers, determine equilibrium prices and levels of output, in a free market. Scarce resources are thus allocated according to the competing pressures of demand and supply. An increase in demand of a product, signals the producers to increase the supply of the commodity, as potential profit levels increase so as to meet the increased demand. The working of a free market mechanism is a strong tool which has been used in determining allocation of resources among competing ends (Riley, 2006). There exists an increased claim that when issues, and policies are left on their own economic devices rather than instigating a state control on them, it would result to a more harmonious and equal society with increase in economic development. This concept is based on the liberal theory of economics which was first believed to be formulated by Adam Smith. It proposes a society where there is minimal government intervention in the economy. When government intervenes in workplaces, does it result to economic development? This is an issue of contention between various economists, and we shall look at both the advantages and the disadvantages of government intervention in working places and the effect on economic development (Mishra, Navin & Geeta, 2006). The government has various goals and it may intervene in the price mechanism, in order to change resource allocation, with a view to attain a specific social or economic welfare. The government intervenes in the free market system so as to influence allocation of resources in ways that will be favorable in meeting their goals. These goals might include correcting a market failure, achieving a more equitable wealth distribution in the economy, or general improvement in the performance of the economy. These interventions however come with a certain cost on the working of economic systems (Mishra, Navin & Geeta, 2006). Government has continually set rules and regulations that govern conditions and operations in work places. These rules and regulations, may affect supply or output of a certain commodity. We shall examine different areas that the government has intervened in work places and its consequent effect on the economy. It is in order for government to intervene as it has multiple macro-economic goals of achievement of economic development, full employment, and price stability, among others. These goals sometimes are contradictory as the achievement of one goal affects the attainment of the other (Brux, 2008). Price controls In various work places the government can impose price controls. There are two forms of price controls which can be imposed by the government. The government can impose high prices for certain goods which are referred to as floor prices. This is a price that is set in which a commodity cannot be sold below this price. Consumers are thus required to pay high prices for these commodities regardless whether the demand is low or otherwise. It ensures that the income by the producers of these commodities is higher than they could have otherwise obtained in a deregulated market (Petkantchin, 2006). The other type of price control is what is referred as price ceiling. It is a price that is set by the government, whereby suppliers are not allowed to exceed this price. It is an incentive to ensure that needy buyers or consumers can obtain this commodity at a lower price. This control is mostly found in the main utilities such as telecommunications, water, gas and others. Free market economists argue that this control increases the burden of costs to businesses which damage their competitiveness as a result of huge amount of red tape (Riley, 2006). When prices are freely set by the market, they easily regulate the economy. Producers are able to determine which products are highly valued and preferred by the consumers, they help them ascertain the management methods and technologies which will produce the greatest economic well being. Firms therefore attain incentives in order to innovate, integrate desired management skills in order to produce the desired commodities. Prices are also good indicators of the availability of resources. If the price of a commodity increases as a result of shortage, it signals the producer that, the there is a need to cut back on wastage of that resource, and efficient use of it. In general terms, prices enable economic players to enhance the most efficient use of scarce economic resources. When the government controls prices, whether in form of a price floor or a price ceiling, then it becomes a disadvantage to the economy (Petkantchin, 2006). The government requires that in order for a certain business to be conducted, a license is necessary. This is a form of government intervention in work places, since it creates barriers to entry for potential competition. According to Brux (2008), licenses are issued to ensure that customers are protected from inferior quality goods and services. Licenses however, are harmful to these consumers when they are a requirement of the law. This is because they reduce the availability of a certain commodity or service in a particular area, more so when there is a quota on the number of licenses to be issued. It is also detrimental to the well being of the consumers when the license fees are so high that smaller competitors cannot afford. This limits entry to a certain market which can be a way of creating monopoly. Prices charged on the commodity are higher than when there is a more liberal market. This affects the economic well being of a nation. The government also intervenes in work places by the use of fiscal policies. It alters the level and the pattern of demand for a particular commodity in the market which has its consequences in economic development. One such policy is the use of indirect taxes on demerit goods. This includes goods such as alcohol, tobacco consumption among others. Their consumption comes with a certain cost on the health or the general welfare of the consumer. The government induces such taxes, in order to increase the price and thereby increase the opportunity cost of consumption. Consumer demand towards such commodities decreases. This intervention means that these industries would not perform at their optimal point. They reduce their production so as to cater for the reduced demand of their commodities. It is a compromise on full employment that macro economic policies try to achieve, and as a result lower the level of economic development (Brux, 2008). Employment laws that govern businesses have been put in place by the government. They are a form of government interventions that also affect economic development. In the employment law, the government offers some legal protection for workers by setting the maximum working hours or setting the minimum wages to be paid to workers. Organizations are thus controlled in form of wages paid to workers, which should have otherwise been left to be determined by the competitive laws of labor demand and supply. The effect of this intervention is an increase in the amount that an organization spends on wages. There is also a limitation that is placed by the government in form of working hours. This acts to curtail production levels which have a negative effect on the GDP. The profitability of the firm is also affected by increasing its operation costs. This reduces organizational profits that would have been used to increase the level of organizational investments (Riley, 2006). When the government pays subsidies, it intervenes in the work places as it will obtain the money from businesses and public borrowing. This is an increase in public expenditure which means that the government has to increase the interest rates in order to attract funds from investors. Increase in interest rates has negative effect on businesses. This is because the cost of borrowing finances for investments increases which reduces the overall profitable ventures that are available for the business. The overall activity of business is thus curtailed or in more general terms the level of investment in the economy decreases. A decrease in the level of investment reduces the aggregate demand which inhibits economic development (FunQA. com, 2009). Government intervention is sometimes in form of tariffs. The government intervenes in imported products by imposing high taxes on them. They do this in order for the government to earn income and protect the local industries. When a consumer consumes these goods, he/she pays high prices for them which make the consumer worse off. The consumer is thus forced to consume less of other products and services. In the macro economy, the effect is to reduce demand of other goods and services which will make the economy to be worse off. This government intervention has a negative impact on economic development (Pearson Education Inc. , 2010). It is very common for both the small and big businesses to call in the government so as to protect them. Small businesses requests the government to offer them less regulation while increase the same on the big businesses. They also ask for fair pricing laws which act to hurt the consumers. Pricing laws keep prices for commodities high, since they come in form of price floors and hurt efficient competitors. This is because efficient competitors are capable of offering the same commodity in form of quality and quantity at a lower price but the law by the government prohibits such. Competition is thus hindered to a greater extent as prices are maintained at a high level. If the commodity in question is an essential commodity, it would results to inflation which has adverse effects on economic development (Brux, 2008). Market Liberalization The government sometimes uses its power in order to introduce fresh competition into a certain market. This will happen in the case where the government breaks the monopoly power of a certain firm. It ensures that competitors can penetrate the market which enhances the quality of products and services which are offered to the consumers. It introduces a more liberal economy, where the market is not controlled by one player who dictates on the prices and the level of output. These are the laws of competition policy, which act against price fixation by companies and other forms of anti-competitive behavior (Riley, 2006). Other benefits that arise from government intervention include correction of externalities. Externalities can be defined as the spill over costs or in some cases benefits. Externalities make the market to operate in a level that the amount of output and the level of production are not at a socially optimal level. When there is a lot of corn being produced, the law of demand and supply will mean that price has to decrease as supply exceeds demand. When the government allows the price of corn to decrease beyond a certain level, the producers of corn will be at a loss which will de motivate further production of corn. In such circumstances, the government intervenes by the use of price floor where price would not go below that limit. Leaving the market forces to adjust the price and output will socially affect some sectors of the economy and as such lead to the welfare of citizens being worse off (Pearson Education Inc. , 2010). Another reason as to why the government intervenes in the economy is to correct market failures. Consumers sometimes lack adequate information as to the benefits and costs which come from the consumption of a certain product. Government thus imposes laws that will ensure that the consumers have adequate information about the products so as to improve the perceived costs and benefits of a product. Compulsory labeling that is done on cigarette packages is one of those legal concerns that give adequate health warnings to cigarette smokers. It is a way in which the government protects its citizens from exploitation and harmful habits that would affect them in the long run. This might have a short term effect in form of decreased profits on Tobacco manufacturers, but long term effects on improved health of consumers and a saving on future medical expenses (Riley, 2006). According to Riley (2006), it will be known that government intervention does not always result into the plans and strategies set or prediction by economic theory. It is rare for consumers and businesses to behave the way the government exactly wanted them to behave. This in economics has been referred to as law of unintended consequences which can come into play in any government intervention. This would have negative consequences on the economic level since inappropriate policies would mean negative effects and influence. The market is able to maintain itself in equilibrium through price mechanisms and other economic factors. When the government intervenes, it affects this smooth operation of the market and this may lead to either shortages or surpluses. The effect becomes worse when the government relies on poor information in making these interventions in workplaces. The effects might be expensive to the administration of businesses, and the interventions might also be disruptive to the operations of the business if these interventions are major and frequent. It might also remove some liberties (Pearson Education Inc. , 2010). Government interventions in workplaces should not be aimed to create great changes in the market. The conditions prevailing in the economy should be well reviewed and analyzed. This will ensure that threats that can damage the economy have been identified and measures against such taken. It would be of great advantage if government interventions are designed to facilitate the smooth working of the economy rather than implementing a new and a direct control over the market. They should be assessed on whether they lead to a better use of scarce resources, whether fairness is being upheld in the intervention and whether the policy enhances or reduces the capacity of future generations in improving economic activity (Riley, 2006). Conclusion Some economists believe that with perfect competition, there will be no need for any government intervention. Is it therefore wise to leave the economy to the doctrine of laissez-fare where there is no control or intervention by the government? As much as there exists some negative effects on economic development due to government control, the benefits which accrue as a result of controlled government intervention would be under no circumstances be compared with the risks that would accrue when the government adopts the liberal economic structure. References Brux, J. (2008). Economics Issues and Policy. 4th ed. Ohio: Cengage Learning FunQA. com, (2009). Economics: Advantages and Disadvantages of Government Intervention? Retrieved 21 May 2010, from http://www. funqa. com/economics/92-Economics-2. html Mishra, R. Navin, B. & Geeta P. eds. (2006). Economic liberalization and public enterprises. ISBN 8180692574 Pearson Education, Inc. (2010). Reasons for government intervention in the market. Retrieved 21 May 2010, from http://wps. pearsoned. co. uk/ema_uk_he_sloman_econbus_3/18/4748/1215583. cw/index. html Petkantchin, V. (2006). The Pernicious Effects of Price Controls. Retrieved 21 May 2010, from http://docs. google. com/viewer? a=v&q=cache:mYXWxJC6EpMJ:www. iedm. org/uploaded/pdf/avr06_en. pdf+Price+controls+and+their+effects&hl=en&gl=ke&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEEShvcqptHKj3Y_Mrxy5hhG7resIp_Y7FVbxWwhBqmLTBqzdSn3hvuXLutFYW9m1uRWom_D5InOy5G5Jp5AMTuCoFxKA-Rj-1tbrOA0PrnDz5VOBbruMR2HYdYcYm-SLf5Oq_aZBm&sig=AHIEtbTFfKO-NWp1d5bX2HTlouAB_gP1fQ Riley, G. (2006). Government Intervention in the Market. Retrieved 21 May 2010, from http://tutor2u. net/economics/revision-notes/as-marketfailure-government-intervention-2. html

Friday, September 13, 2019

Chaucer’s Use of “Tender” in Troilus and Criseyde

Chaucer’s Use of â€Å"Tender† in Troilus and Criseyde Chaucer is known for his talent at pushing his readers to step outside their preconceived notions regarding genre, characters, and themes. In addition to this, Chaucer uses words with double meanings to create ambiguity and depth throughout his works. Troilus and Criseyde is no different in this respect. Throughout Troilus and Criseyde, Chaucer uses the word tendre several times, using its various meanings to make the reader question the intentions of the characters. According to the Middle English Dictionary, the adjective form of tendre has seven different meanings in medieval texts. Chaucer employs all but two of those meanings in Troilus and Criseyde. The meanings that Chaucer employs are as follows: Immature, young; unsophisticated, innocent, naÃÆ' ¯ve; also unblemished, spotless; Physically sensitive, esp. to pain; susceptible to injury, vulnerable;easily injured, fragile; Of a plant, part of a plant: fresh, new-grown; not hardy, delicate; Physically weak; debilitated, enfeebled, morally week, unable to resist temptation; also impressionable; Sorrowful, heartfelt; piteous, painful, touching; (b) easily moved; of the heart: compassionate, sympathetic (207-209). Chaucer uses the adjective form of tendre five times in Troilus and Criseyde, and employs its various meanings throughout the text. Pandarus is the first to use the word in Book II: his stream of thought during a discussion with Criseyde includes the word. He thinks, If I my tale endite/Aught harde, or make a proces any whyle,/ She shal no savour have therin but lite,/ And trowe I wolde hire in my wil bigyle;/For tender wittes wenen al be wyle/ Theras thei kan nought pleynly understonde; Forthi hire wit to serven wol I fonde (267-273). Here, it seems that Chaucer wants the reader to see the word tendre as meaning naÃÆ' ¯ve, since Pandaruss quote seems to indicate that she is too simple-minded to understand some things. However, this quote is one instance in the text where Chaucer relies on the multiple meanings of the word to create depth. It is important to remember that tender can also mean impressionable, as seen in the fourth definition (above). Because it is Pandarus, who co ntinually pressures Criseyde into action towards Troilus, who uses the word, it seems likely that Chaucer intends the term to be taken both ways. Additional ambiguity surrounding this particular use of the word is that tender in the sense of naivete also indicates youth and innocence (as seen in the first definition listed above). Chaucer wants the reader to consider Criseyde in relation to both of these terms. She is a widow, but is she is also young. She is the woman who cheats on Troilus and breaks his heart, but she is also innocent. Chaucer uses an ambiguous term to make the reader examine Criseydes character more closely. Pandarus also uses the word in Book III, during a discussion with Criseyde. Criseyde wants him to give Troilus a ring on her behalf, to which Pandarus replies, This [man] is so gentil and so tendre of herte/ That with his doeth he wol his sorwes wreke (904-905). The reader can interpret this word according to both the second and fifth meanings listed above. Describing Troilus as tenderhearted suggests that he is vulnerable, sorrowful, or painful (207-209). However, because it is Pandarus (who also pressures Troilus into action throughout the text) who speaks the phrase, Chaucer intends the reader to see the double meaning of the word and think of Troilus as impressionable, as well. The next two uses of the word tender are fairly straightforward, and do not rely on multiple meanings. Criseyde uses the term when she cries to herself upon realizing that she will be exchanged for Antenor. She asks, How shal youre tendre herte this sustene? (795). Here, the word is interpreted as meaning vulnerable. The fourth use of the word occurs in the opening of Book V: the narrator uses it in relation to a plant, saying, and Zepherus as ofte/ Ibrought ayeyn the tendre leves grene (10-11). The fifth and final use of the word occurs in Book V, during the narrators description of Crisyede: Tendre-hearted, slydynge of corage;/ But trewely, I kan nat telle hire age (825-826). Here, Chaucer again plays off the various meanings of tendre, using it to signify both naÃÆ' ¯vete and compassion. However, because he follows the phrase with a reference to her age, he wants the reader to note that the term can also indicate youth. Chaucer uses the multiple meanings of the word tendre throughout Troilus and Criseyde to add depth to the characters. Though sometimes he intends the word to be interpreted in a straightforward fashion, in at least three instances he urges the reader to take into account the varying meanings of the word. The medieval definitions of the terms as naÃÆ' ¯ve, young, sensitive, fresh in relation to plants, and sorrowful offer insight into Chaucers style and intentions.